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  • info@fremingtonhomes.co.uk
  • }Open: 9 am to 5 pm

01271 889152

Fremington Homes now under new Management

We are delighted to announce that Fremington Homes has recently been purchased by South West business owners Peter Angelides and John Griffiths. This includes all the sites operated by Fremington Homes as well as the care provision business, Hadley Care.

Both Peter and John have significant experience in the healthcare sector, including services based in and around the North Devon area. Initially they plan to maintain the high standards and excellent service as already provided within Fremington Homes, with a goal for the longer term to improve experiences offered to tenants. The ambition is to provide the best quality of life possible for tenants, in a happy and homely environment. In time, they wish to increase the Fremington Homes property portfolio in order to offer additional accommodation for long and short term stays to more people throughout the local community.


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