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  • info@fremingtonhomes.co.uk
  • }Open: 9 am to 5 pm

01271 889152

Care Quality Monitoring

Care Quality Assurance


Fremington Homes and Hadley Care are regulated by the CQC (The Care Quality Commission) the independent statutory regulator of health and adult social care in England.

Below is a list of fundamentals of care published by the CQC, you can expects all homes under the operation of Fremington Homes & Hadley care services to adhere to these fundamentals.

  • Care and treatment must be appropriate and reflect service users’ needs and preferences.
  • Service users must be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Care and treatment must only be provided with consent.
  • Care and treatment must be provided in a safe way.
  • Service users must be protected from abuse and improper treatment.
  • Service users’ nutritional and hydration needs must be met.
  • All premises and equipment used must be clean, secure, suitable and used properly.
  • Complaints must be appropriately investigated and appropriate action taken in response.
  • Systems and processes must be established to ensure compliance with the fundamental standards.
  • Sufficient numbers of suitably qualified, competent, skilled and experienced staff must be deployed.
  • Persons employed must be of good character, have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, and be able to perform the work for which they are employed.
  • Registered persons must be open and transparent with service users about their care and treatment (the duty of candour).


Care homes are Inspected and reported on by the CQC, this is done generally by way of unannounced Inspections. Therefore it is imperative to us that our homes and services continue to meet the quality guidelines set out by the CQC, we aim to go above and beyond their expectations so our residents receive the high quality care that they need and deserve.

To Dive deeper into the CQC and what they are about visit their website below to learn more.

Any Questions?

Our team are looking forward to speaking to you!