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Virtual Dementia Tour

Hadley Care recently held a two-day Virtual Dementia Tour for all of its staff members.   Also many family members attended along with Barnstaple Mayor, Julie Hunt.

It is now known that dementia kills more people than heart disease or cancer and statistics show that one in three people that were born in 2015 are expected to die from dementia.  Therefore it is important that we continually improve the quality of training and start to focus on what dementia is like for the person rather than the care giver.

The tour is the closest experience that can be given to a person with a healthy brain of what dementia might be like – scary, intimidating, confusing and also a feeling of vulnerability.  By understanding dementia from the person’s point of view we can change practice, reduce issues and improve their lives.

This was a must have training experience for our staff to understand dementia by walking in the shoes of a person with the disease.

Any Questions?

Our team are looking forward to speaking to you!